Ichithamuzi Powder (50g)


E. natalensis is a shrub. It has simple leaves with strongly undulate margins, greenish cream, cream, or white flowers, and berry fruits that turn black when ripe. The shrub is most common on the eastern coast of Africa.

Learn about ichithamuzi: https://imithiyesintu.co.za/ichithamuzi/




Family: Ebenaceae

Scientific name: Euclea natalensis

Authority: A.DC.

Zulu names: umtshekisane, umshekisane, ichithamuzi, umkhasa, idungamuzi, inkunzane, inkunzi ebomvana, inkunzi emnyama, intungamuzi, insizimane, isizimane, ilizamane,  inkaza, mzaka, umanyathi, umhlalanyamazane, 

Other names: Natal guarri, Natal ebony, large-leaved guarri (English), Natalghwarrie, berggwarrie, swartbasboom (Afrikaans)


Additional information

Weight 50 g


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