Ashwaghandha Powder (50g)


W. somnifera is an evergreen woody shrub whose root is taken as a dietary supplement and medicine.

Learn about Ashwaghanda

Made in India and Packaged in South Africa.




Family: Solanaceae

Scientific names: Withania somnifera 

Authority: (L.) Dunal

Synonyms: Physalis somnifera L., Withania microphysalis Suess.

Zulu names: impathampatha, ubulibazi, ubuvimba, umaqhunsula, undukuzempi, unginakile, uvimbokhulu

Other names: Ashwaghanda (Hindu) poisonous gooseberry, winter cherry (English) bitterappelliefie, geneesblaarbossie, meidjieblaar, spanjoolbossie, vuilsiektebossie, wilde-appelliefie (Afrikaans)

Additional information

Weight 50 g


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