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What is it?

Umanyazini is a mineral substance scientifically known as potassium permanganate with a chemical formula KMnO4. At room temperature, it is an odourless purplish-dark crystalline salt with a metallic sheen. It is easily soluble in water and, depending on the concentration, turns pink to violet in colour when diluted.

Chemical properties

Potassium permanganate is a potent oxidizing agent, a chemical that is easily reduced by gaining electrons in a redox reaction. Potassium permanganate is similar to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in that both chemicals react with human tissue to produce a coagulation type of necrosis, premature cell death – the opposite of apoptosis which is programmed cell death.

The chemical contains an essential trace metal called manganese (Mn), which is necessary for a number of functions in the human body, including:

  • The activation of certain enzymes
  • The metabolism of energy
  • The proper function of the nervous system
  • The proper function of reproductive hormones
  • The proper development of the skeletal system 
  • It also contains antioxidants that protect cells from damage due to free radicals

Potassium permanganate has disinfectant, deodorizing, antiseptic and astringent (a drying agent) properties, hence:

  1. It is used as a disinfectant – Before the use of hypochlorites, potassium permanganate was used to disinfect water due to its strong oxidizing power.
  2. It is used as a deodorant – The antibacterial properties found in potassium permanganate kill germs, the root cause of body odour. The ability to kill germs generally makes potassium permanganate a good deodorant. It is even stronger and more long-lasting than 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is also used as a deodorant.    
  3. It is used as a mild antiseptic and astringent – This makes potassium permanganate useful for treating and preventing a range of conditions caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, mould, protozoa etc. 

What is it used for?

Potassium permanganate is a widely available chemical of industrial, medicinal, and spiritual significance.

  • It is used to clean wounds. After an injury a light potassium permanganate solution is used to wash the injured areas to prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
  • Aloe leaves are mixed with potassium permanganate to prevent diseases in chickens.
  • Potassium permanganate in water, the solution should be a very light shade of pink (similar to this colour: #ffe6f7), is used to detox, cleanse the blood, and relieve constipation. Consuming concentrated solutions of potassium permanganate can cause health complications
  • It is used to treat gastrointestinal aches and pains
  • It is used to treat dermatological conditions such as skin rash
  • It is used to treat aches, pains, and swelling
  • It is used to treat gynecological, nervous, kidney, and bladder conditions

  • A solution of potassium permanganate is sprinkled in and around the home to protect against lightning strikes
  • It is used to soothe aches and pains in the body, by soaking the body in a warm bath with potassium permanganate
  • It is used to release stress and ward off evil, by soaking in a warm bath with potassium permanganate

Administration methods

Potassium permanganate can be administered in variety of ways to treat the abovementioned conditions including:

  • Taking a bath – soaking the body to treat aches and pains
  • Steaming – to treat dermatological conditions
  • Enema – to treat gastrointestinal conditions
  • Orally – to cleanse the blood

Buy umanyazini (potassium permanganate / KMnO4):…permanganate-25g/

Learn about other mineral substances used in traditional medicine such as Isibabulu (Sulphur), Coarse salt, Blue stone (Uzulu ocwathile), and Emarald by accessing Isibabuli (Sulphur), Coarse salt, Blue stone (Uzulu ocwathile), and Emarald.

Safety precaution:

The use of traditional medicine in prescribed dosages will yield good results. Misuse and abuse may lead to complications. To learn about correct dosage, consult a traditional healer or a herbalist. You can also visit or email: to learn more about traditional medicine.  

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