Icimamlilo Powder (50g)


P. prunelloides is a multi-stemmed subshrub (or heb) that grows to about 0.6 m in height. It has long narrow strap-like leaves, star-shaped blue or lilac flowers, and fleshy tuberous roots. It can be found throughout Southern Africa growing on well-drained sandy and loamy soils.

Learn about icimamlilo: https://imithiyesintu.co.za/pentanisia-prunelloides/





Family: Rubiaceae

Scientific name: Pentanisia prunelloides 

Authority: (Klotzsch ex Eckl. & Zeyh.) Walp. 

Synonyms: Declieuxia prunelloides Klotzsch ex Eckl. & Zeyh., Diotocarpus prunelloides (Klotzsch) Hochst., Pentanisia variabilis Harv. var. intermedia Sond., Pentanisia variabilis Harv. var. latifolia (Hochst.) Sond

Zulu names: icimamlilo, icimamlilo elincane, icishamlilo, icishamlilo elikhulu, idlaso, isibunde, ucwaka, umazithule, umakuphole 

Other names: broad leaved Pentanisia, wild verbena (English), sooibrandbossie (Afrikaans)