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Family name: Ranunculaceae

Scientific name: Anemone fanninii

Authority: Harv. ex Mast.

Synonym: Knowltonia fanninii (Harv. ex Mast.) Christenh. & Byng

Zulu names: amanzamnyama, emnyama, umanzamnyama

Other names: anemoon, giant wild anemone, syblom

Short description: A. fanninii is a perennial herb. It has rosette lobed leaves, creamy white, flushed purplish flowers, and an acrid sap that causes blisters on the human skin. The plant is largely restricted to the eastern foothill and scap of the central and northern Drankensburg.


The Zulu name “amanzamnyama” means dark / black waters.

The plant gets the name amanzamnyama because the roots are used in sorcery.

Related uses: The roots are charred and used to produce darkness (or produce hatred) in a person’s life. The roots are used to make a love potion. The roots are ground to powder and taken as snuff to treat headaches and dizziness. The roots are used to treat convulsion. The plant has analgesic activities, hence it is used as a sedative.

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