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Blue Lotus Oil

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Family: Nymphaeaceae

Scientific name: Nymphaea caerulea

Authority: Savigny

Trade name: blue lotus

What is blue lotus oil?

Blue lotus oil is an essential oil extracted from the mauve-coloured blue lotus flower of the Nymphaea caerulea plant commonly known as the blue Egyptian lotus. The blue lotus flower has a high concentration of essential oils, which contain a significant amount of squalene (a triterpene for protecting and lubricating the skin).

The blue lotus is an oneirogen (dream inducing) plant that predominantly grows in Egypt and Asia. In Egypt, it can be seen on ancient papyri (such as Turin papyrus) and the walls of tombs. Egyptians regard the plant with great veneration and the lotus that was once abundant, is now an endangered species. In Hinduism, the lotus is regarded as a sacred plant. The flower is adopted as the flower of India, representing enlightenment, fertility, knowledge, and prosperity. Many Hindu gods and goddesses are associated with the flower. For example, Lakshmi (the goddess of prosperity) is often portrayed seated on top of an opened lotus flower. In Buddhism, the flower is associated with spiritual awakening and Buddha is often depicted sitting on a lotus flower.

Chemical properties

The blue lotus flower reportedly contains antioxidants phytochemicals such as kaempferol, myricetin, flavonoids, quercetin, and gallic acid. It also has analgesic (pain relieving), euphoric (mood enhancing), and saporific (sleep inducing) activities. It also contains a high concentration of nuciferine, an alkaloid that is similar to antipsychotic drugs.

How is it made?

Majority of essential oils are extracted using a process called steam distillation, an ancient physical process of isolating different substances using their relative boiling points. But some plants including jasmine and blue lotus flower are extracted using solvents, a method of extraction that uses solvents ethanol, ether, methanol, hexane, or liquid butane. This method produces an extract called an absolute, which is a substance that is thicker and stronger than conventional essential oils.

How is it used?

In the past, the blue lotus oil was used by ancient civilizations, including ancient Egyptian, Greek and Tibetan, for a wide range of purposes. Today, the oil is used to make oil-based products such as perfumes, massage oils, shampoos, hand-body-and-hair moisturizers, manicure gels, anointing oil, bath oil, air fresheners, scented candles, cleansers, scrubs, facial and treatments masks, and incense oils.

The oil is used as an oneirogen substance for inducing lucid and vivid dreaming. It is used for traditional rituals and ceremonies to connect with the divine.

The oil is also used for magical, medicinal, and spiritual purposes:

  • It is used as a mild sedative
  • It is used to induces a state of euphoria
  • It promotes relaxation
  • It relieves anxiety
  • It treats insomnia
  • It helps unblock the seven chakras (especially the third eye)
  • It dispels negative energies
  • It improves circulation and blood flow and helps with erectile dysfunction
  • It is a natural aphrodisiac, stimulant, and sexual enhancer

How is it administered?

The blue lotus oil can be administered in a number of ways including the following:

  • The oil is burnt as incense in the home to dispel negative energy and to make the home odourous
  • Inhaling the smoke from burning the oil induces lucid and vivid dreaming
  • The oil is added to bath water to promote relaxation and relieve anxiety
  • The oil is also added to lotion or ointment and applied topically to improve the appearance of skin

Learn about other oneirogen plants, by accessing ubhubhubhu (Helinus integrifolius), ubulawu (Silene capensis), uvuma omhlophe (Synaptolepis kirkii), ikhathazo (Alepidea amatymbica), and Top 10 plants used for divination by Zulu traditional healers in South Africa

Safety precaution:

The use of traditional medicine in prescribed dosages will yield good results. Misuse and abuse may lead to complications. To learn about correct dosage, consult a traditional healer or a herbalist. You can also visit or email: to learn more about traditional medicine.  

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