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Ikhambi lezingane

Ikhambi lezingane

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Family: Hyacinthaceae

Scientific name: Ledebouria petiolata

Authority: J.C. Manning & Goldblatt

Synonym: Drimiopsis maculata Lindl. & Paxton

Zulu names: icicibane, ikhambi lezingane, imbiza yezingane, injobo, u-anyanisi, umayihlandlana, umbola

Other names: leopard lily, lily white soldiers, spotted leaved Drimiopsis (English)

Description: L. petiolata is a perennial geophyte that grows in the forest understorey. It has variegated fleshy leaves with wavy margins, small scented pale green flowers born on a stalk, and a fleshy round bulb.

The Zulu name “ikhambi lezingane” means the remedy or cure for children.

The plants gets the name ikhambi lezingane because it is used to treat neonatal conditions and ailments.

The bulb infusion is used to treat neonatal diseases, such as isela and isithakathi. The bulb infusion is used to purge babies suffering from ipletyi, a neonatal diseases. The warm bulb infusion is administered as enema to babies with stomach problems and diarrhoea.

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