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What is isichitho?

Isichitho is a Zulu word derived from the word “chita” or “ukuchitha”, which means “to empty or drain content”. It also means to destroy or overthrow.

The term isichitho is used to describe concocted harmful medicine that is used to sabotage a targeted person from a position or situation. The term is also used to describe a condition that manifests outside the body as a result of the concocted harmful medicine.

In general, isichitho is the use of sorcery to carry out underhanded interference directed at deliberately destroying a targeted person’s reputation, opportunity, or relationship.

What is the aim of isichitho?

The main aim of isichitho is to (“chitha”) overthrow or remove a targeted person from a relationship, a job, a rank or position in life etc. This is done by making the person unattractive to others. When isichitho is used on a person:

  • The person becomes vehemently disliked by others
  • The person becomes irritating and annoying to others
  • Others are repulsed by the person

Types of isichitho & symptoms

There are different types of isichitho, the following outline the various types and how they manifest on the targeted person:

  • Isichitho for acne, cysts, or pimples – known as isidina in Zulu. It manifests as instant eruptions of acne
  • Isichitho for formication – manifests as a sensation that insects are crawling on or under the skin
  • Isichitho sezintwala (for lice) – manifests as abnormal body lice
  • Isichitho sokunuka (for pungent odour) – manifests as bad body odour
  • Isichitho sezilonda (for sores and wounds on the skin) – manifests as small to large sores on the body

How is isichitho created?

Isichitho is created using occultic knowledge and concocted medicines made from herbs, animal extracts, and minerals. The different types of isichitho are concocted and administered differently on the targeted person.

How to treat isichitho?

The treatment for isichitho will generally depend on the type of isichitho and how it was made and administered.

  • Isichitho sezintwala (for lice) is treated using a mixture made from the barks of umemezi (Cassipourea flanaganii), unukane (Ocotea bullata), and umgadankawu (Albizia adiathifolia). The mixture is administered by steaming.
  • The symptoms of the different types of isichitho are treated with a mixture made using the bark of umgadankawu (Albizia adianthifolia).

Explore the concept of isichitho even further with type of isichitho known as formication. To learn about formication by access: Formication.

Safety precaution:

The use of traditional medicine in prescribed dosages will yield good results. Misuse and abuse may lead to complications. To learn about correct dosage, consult a traditional healer or a herbalist. You can also visit or email: to learn more about traditional medicine.  

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