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Seal Oil – Amafutha Enja Yolwandle

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Fish oil is a collective term for various types of oils obtained from marine animals, including whale oil, herring oil, salmon oil, and seal oil. Even though a whale and seal are mammals and not fish, the oils derived from them are considered fish oils. 

Oil is a slippery and viscous organic substance that is naturally combustible, hydrophobic (does not mix with water), and lipophilic (does mix with other oils).    

Seal oil is unsaturated fatty oil obtained from the fatty tissue, known as blubber. It can be colourless, straw, yellow, or brown in colour. The oil has a pungent fishy odour and taste that becomes rancid as the oil gets older and stale. Surprisingly, seal oil is useful when fresh, boiled, and even rancid. 

Medicinal benefits:

  • It has anti-inflammation properties that reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • It contains three omega-3 fatty acids, namely, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These oils are essential for growth and development of the body and only accessible through food or supplements.     
  • It supports cardiovascular health.
  • It reduces cholesterol.
  • It enhances mental and cognitive capabilities.
  • It boosts the immune system.

Administration methods:

Seal oil is administered internally and externally.

  • Internally:
    • It is taken orally by mouth as capsules, gummies, powders, liquids, strips, and tablets.
    • It is taken anally as enema.
    • Warm oil is taken by ear.
  • Externally:
    • It is applied topically as an ointment and moisturizer. 

Oil products that are not in capsule form should be refrigerated after opening in order to slow down rancidity. 


In the past, seal oil was used as a burning oil and over the years it has evolved to being a multipurpose oil that is used for medicinal, cosmetic, food, and industrial uses.

Medicinal uses

It is used internally to:

  • Treat stomach disorders and as a laxative that is taken orally.
  • Reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes using capsules taken orally.
  • Treat earache and infections using warm oil.
  • Reduce atherogenic risk by taking seal oil supplements.
  • Treat constipation – seal oil is mixed with lukewarm water and administered as enema.
  • Treat inflammatory bowel disease with tablets.
  • Treat a stuffy nose with liquid seal oil.

It is used externally to:

  • Reduce muscle pain.
  • Heal soft or dry skin – seal oil is applied on the soft or dry skin immediately after giving birth. 
  • Heal cuts, burn, and frostbites – seal oil is applied topically on the skin to speed up the healing process.
  • Heal sores – using cryptogram that is crushed and then heated on rocks with seal oil and mountain goat tallow.
  • Heals wounds and impetigo.
  • Create tattoo – seal oil is mixed with soot (a black powder produced by burning organic material) and applied on the skin after scratching it with a sharp object when creating a tattoo. 
  • Help stop bleeding.

Food uses

  • Food flavouring food – dried fish can be eaten by dipping it in seal oil to moisten and add flavour.
  • Make Agutuk or Eskimo ice cream – mixing seal oil, berries, and snow.

Cosmetic uses

  • Soap making.  
  • Improve the appearance and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis by taking seal oil orally.
  • Enhance youthful looking skin. 

Industrial uses

  • Dressing leather and fur.
  • As a lubricant.

Side effects:

Seal oil is safe and efficacious, however even in low doses it can cause nausea, bloating, or burping. The oil does not cause adverse or long-lasting negative effects. With that said, it is always good to avoid abuse and misuse. Keep the oil fresh by keeping it away from direct sunlight, oxygen, and moisture.  

The use of traditional medicine in prescribed dosages will yield good results. Misuse and abuse may lead to complications. To learn about correct dosage, consult a traditional healer or a herbalist. You can also visit or email: to learn more about traditional medicine.    

Buy Seal Oil (Amafutha Enja Yolwandle):…a-yolwandle-20ml/

Learn about other oils by accessing, Castor Oil and Blue Lotus Oil.

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